The weight blog

Why you should add positive affirmations to your weight loss plan

Written by Dillie | Aug 23, 2023 2:54:19 PM

Do you feel so overwhelmingly bad about yourself that you don't even know where to start in order to lose weight?

Do you feel like you CAN'T lose weight, even though you so desperately want to?

Do you feel like your flaws control who you are and what you're capable of?

You may be surprised to know that weight loss can begin with accepting who you are now. You CAN lose weight. YOU, not your body weight or appearance, are in control.

Positive affirmations are effective for weight loss

Positive affirmations can change your way of thinking and your view of yourself; this is how they empower you to accomplish your weight loss goals. Feeling bad about yourself can make you feel frozen and stunt your efforts to lose weight. You deserve to love and accept yourself--positive affirmations will encourage this. They can help you believe in yourself, giving you the confidence to take action. They remind you that YOU'RE in control.

We know ourselves better than anyone. So, often times the most powerful affirmations come from within. You can and should believe in yourself. Using positive affirmations daily, you will become stronger, more encouraged, and more confident in your weight loss journey.

Things you should be telling yourself everyday:

I can get to a healthy weight.

I am capable of making smart choices for diet and movement.

My body can be strong.

I can love my body.

I am determined to keep my word. I am confident that I can improve.

I have the power, strength, and courage to make healthy choices.

I am grateful for my body's ability to change.

I can develop new lifestyle habits to create long-term results.

My body will love this new lifestyle. I will be able to lose weight.

I have the power to change my life.

I am committed to making healthy choices to lose weight.

My past choices are forgiven, and my future choices will be better.

I will take care of myself by eating healthier and moving more.

I deserve this.