The weight blog

How to practice mindful eating

Written by Tori | Jul 11, 2023 6:56:26 PM

Are you struggling with your weight and diet but don't know where to start? Do you wish your relationship with food was healthier? Here’s one tip that is free to use and powerful when implemented: Mindful eating.

Eating mindfully can help you reach a health goal like losing weight and change how you feel about yourself when faced with alluring or difficult food choices. You don't need special tools to practice mindfulness—you already have within yourself the ability to observe your habits, thoughts, and feelings during meals! 

In this blog post, I'll walk you through the basics of mindful eating and provide helpful tips for creating better relationships with what we eat.

Eat without distraction

Eating without distraction is an essential part of mindful eating. By eliminating distractions such as phones, TVs, and computers, you can become more engaged with the experience of eating. 

Eating mindfully can be more enjoyable and allow you to pay attention to your hunger cues and when you feel full. Taking the time to appreciate your meal can create a more mindful approach that can help promote healthier decision-making at mealtimes.

Slow down

Mindful eating is about more than just having meals at a leisurely pace. It's about actually tasting and savoring the individual flavors and textures of the food that we eat. 

When we take the time to slow down, not only do we enjoy our meal more, but it can even help us to feel more satiated without needing to consume larger portions. Allowing yourself to settle gracefully into mindful eating can give you a greater appreciation for your food and bring a deeper enjoyment of your meals every time.

Use your senses

Taking mindful moments to appreciate your meals can benefit your physical and mental health. Instead of scarfing down your food to satisfy hunger, pause and look at the food in front of you. Take in all the colors and textures, smell it, and savor each bite. 

By using your senses while eating, you are nourishing your body and enjoying and appreciating the experience of mindful eating!

Listen to your body

Taking mindful eating into consideration is a crucial step in learning how to listen to your body. At the start of each meal, pause and tune in to what your body needs. Ask yourself if you are truly hungry or if other emotions are driving your food choices. 

Eating should be a conscious experience, so try to enjoy your meal rather than shoving bites into your mouth without really thinking about it. With mindful eating, recognize when you have had enough based on hunger and fullness cues from your body.

Be aware of your emotions

Notice any emotions that arise during eating, such as stress or boredom. Try focusing on the experience of eating and enjoying the food rather than using it as a way to cope with emotions.

Being mindful of your emotions before, during, and after eating can be a powerful tool for gaining control of them. Recognizing and identifying the emotions that come up for you when you think about or are engaged in eating is essential. This can include feelings like stress, boredom, anxiousness, or even joy! 

Tuning into these feelings can help guide mindful eating decisions - embrace what brings you pleasure and satisfaction and be aware of behaviors that might indicate an unhealthy relationship with food. Choose meals that nourish your body physically and offer peace and comfort. Enjoying the experience of food can improve overall well-being.

Practice gratitude

As mindful eaters, it's essential to pause and take a moment to appreciate the food and the people who made it possible from start to finish. From the farmers who grew the ingredients to the truck drivers who transported them, to the grocery store staff that stocked them, and eventually the person who cooked it – each role works together to ensure nourishment on our plates. 

Practicing gratitude for our meals can help us connect more deeply with what we consume and will enhance our mindful eating practice. Finding greater appreciation for one another in this way allows us to recognize the interconnectedness in this world.

Keep going

Eating mindfully can be a challenge when starting, but have patience with yourself and don't give up. Don't worry if you get distracted or lose focus at first. With practice, you can develop a more mindful approach to eating and enjoy your food more thoroughly.

Try to tune into your senses while you slowly savor each bite. Having mindful meals also helps you appreciate the look, aroma, flavors, and textures of food. This powerful practice will allow you to enjoy food better and recognize when your body has had enough to eat.

Give mindful eating a try at your next meal. It doesn't have to be perfect; you can always try again!